Слова: Blind; Музыка: Blind, Таур
Your life is
An old wooden bridge…
You walk up and down
From bank to the bank…
It’s road between
Your troubles and luck…
Your fears and funs
Darkness and light…of the world…
Bridge! You look at the water,
You think of immortal
And dream of the end…
Bridge… will burn in the fire,
You feel bored and tired
Of routine of life…
But keep your dream
And hope on God
And ride up your bridge
On graceful horse…
How not to fall?!
And live inspite of all?!
To be brave and noble?!
You’re asking yourself…all your life…
Your life is
An old wooden bridge…
You try not to fall
And keep your way own…
To be out of rumours
Feel wind on your face,
Keep freedom in soul
And fire in heart…all your life…
Bridge! You look at the water,
You think of immortal
And dream of the end…
Bridge… will burn in the fire,
You feel bored and tired
Of routine of life…
But keep your dream
And hope on God
And ride up your bridge
On graceful horse…
One day will come,
You’ll find all answers,
You’ll pass trough all hardships
And burn down your bridge …on a way to new life…